Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Wander Gear"

  1. Computer
  2. Phone
  3. European Wall Plugs
  4. Passport
  5. 1088 International Village Plaque
  6. Camera Charger & Extra Battery
  7. IV Personal Letter from Ladi K. (SOULMATE)
  8. Travel Bag from Pitcha R.
  9. Camera
*If you have any suggestions of what to take in my Travel Bag, please leave a comment below

P.S: "Soon to wander in 4 DAYS!"


  1. good luck Alberto!! i'm so excited for you and can't wait to read about your adventures in the UK and Europe! visit Camden Town in London for me. I love that place. and if you make your way to Barcelona, take a nice deep breath of the fresh air and do some good people watching. it's a good place for people watching and breathing ;) oh, and snacks. pack some snacks in your bag!

  2. Camden Town. I will try to make it part of my traveling plan when I visit London. I will be going to London in 3 different occasions for components to my courses and will probably travel to London on my own so I am pretty sure that I can make it happen. I will send you pictures and thanks for the tip, never thought about that.


    P.S: "Tell little Miles I said HI! Much love and thanks to you and your family from the U.K"
